Basically it follows 3 sets of young farmers in Canada who have chosen to grow and sell their own food. Each at a different stage and financial support situation, the film was not only moving but inspirational, scary and in many ways enlightening. Horticultural classes are now on the horizon, style of greenhouse and seed starting has been altered and even the way in which we'll offer our products has been improved. You have to be able to adapt to survive and an expert I am not, so if I can stand on the shoulders of genius before me, I can see that much better.
I have to be honest, the film scared me a little. Not so much the workload, that I can handle. I worked carpentry outdoors in January so I'm no stranger to pain, it's more the unpredictability of nature. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that no matter what you do to prepare for any circumstance, nature can at anytime drop and say, "na, I don't think you have enough heartache" then blamo, rain, pest, drought, sickness etc. If not for the fact D is going to keep working while we get this off the ground, I'm not sure going from 0 to 100 would be a smart move. Only time will tell, and it starts in 4 days...
Oh and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family... not that anyone is reading this... ;o)
Life Lesson #761: Life is not fair -- get used to it...
Happy Thanksgiving too you and your family.. I'm reading and enjoy it :)